Επιστροφή στο Πρόγραμμα Ανταγωνιστικότητα 2021-2027 Υπουργείο Οικονομίας & Ανάπτυξης ΕΣΠΑ 2014-2020 δράσεις για σένα - έργα για όλους

28/09/2017 – Approval through the 22th Written Procedure of the Modification of the Specialization Bulletin of the action program “Supporting Tourism SMEs for their modernization and quality upgrading of the services provided”

28/09/2017 – Approval through the 22th Written Procedure of the Modification of the Specialization Bulletin of the action program “Supporting Tourism SMEs for their modernization and quality upgrading of the services provided”   Decision of the...

25/09/2017 – Infographic Escrow Account

With the use of the Escrow or Trust Account, the grant attributable to the beneficiary in expenditure incurred and invoiced is paid directly to its suppliers. The objective is to help beneficiaries, effectively deal with potential liquidity problems when implementing their investment plan. In this leaflet you can find out how it works.

22/09/2017 – Information sheet “Business Financing”

In this guide you will find all the financial tools available to businesses, individuals and co-operatives. The grant schemes presented include:
-funding grants,
-subsidies include borrowing,
-interest rate subsidies,
-tax breaks, etc.
The financial instruments include PA programs, the Investment Incentives Law and direct EU funding.