Επιστροφή στο Πρόγραμμα Ανταγωνιστικότητα 2021-2027 Υπουργείο Οικονομίας & Ανάπτυξης ΕΣΠΑ 2014-2020 δράσεις για σένα - έργα για όλους

28/09/2017 – Approval through the 22th Written Procedure of the Modification of the Specialization Bulletin of the action program “Supporting Tourism SMEs for their modernization and quality upgrading of the services provided”

28/09/2017 – Approval through the 22th Written Procedure of the Modification of the Specialization Bulletin of the action program “Supporting Tourism SMEs for their modernization and quality upgrading of the services provided”   Decision of the...

25/09/2017 – Infographic Escrow Account

With the use of the Escrow or Trust Account, the grant attributable to the beneficiary in expenditure incurred and invoiced is paid directly to its suppliers. The objective is to help beneficiaries, effectively deal with potential liquidity problems when implementing their investment plan. In this leaflet you can find out how it works.

22/09/2017 – Information sheet “Business Financing”

In this guide you will find all the financial tools available to businesses, individuals and co-operatives. The grant schemes presented include:
-funding grants,
-subsidies include borrowing,
-interest rate subsidies,
-tax breaks, etc.
The financial instruments include PA programs, the Investment Incentives Law and direct EU funding.

06/07/2017 – Approval through the 18th Written Procedure of the Specialization Bulletin, the Methodology and Criteria for the Evaluation and Selection of Operations under Code 02-11i-2.4-02 as well as the Methodology and Criteria for Evaluation and Selection of Actions under Actions 01-1b-1.1 -05, 01-1b-1.1-06 and 01-1b-1.1-07 of EPAnEK

06/07/2017 – Approval through the 18th Written Procedure of the Specialization Bulletin, the Methodology and Criteria for the Evaluation and Selection of Operations under Code 02-11i-2.4-02 as well as the Methodology and Criteria for Evaluation and Selection of...

06/07/2017 – Approval through the 17th Written Procedure of the Specialization Bulletins, Methodology and Criteria for the Evaluation and Selection of Operations of the Investment Priorities 8iii, 3c, 2a, 4a and 4b of EPAnEK

06/07/2017 – Approval through the 17th Written Procedure of the Specialization Bulletins, Methodology and Criteria for the Evaluation and Selection of Operations of the Investment Priorities 8iii, 3c, 2a, 4a and 4b of EPAnEK   Decision of the 17th Written...

15/6/2017 – End of roaming charges in the EU: Joint statement by 3 EU institutions

Starting today, 15 June 2017, roaming charges in the European Union will no longer apply. President of the European Parliament Antonio Tajani, Prime Minister of Malta Joseph Muscat, on behalf of the Maltese Presidency of the Council of the European Union, and President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker, issued the following statement:

18/5/2017 – European Natura 2000 Day

The EU has been supporting the conservation of our unique and precious natural heritage for 25 years. To celebrate this milestone and mark a quarter century of the EU Habitats Directive and Natura 2000 Network of protected areas, the 21st May is officially designated as “European Natura 2000 Day”.

4/5/2017 – Europe in My Region 2017

Europe in My Region is a European Union-wide campaign encouraging citizens to discover European projects near them. In 2017, four different initiatives – project openings, a photo contest, a project hunt and a blogging contest – invite the public to visit projects, share images and experiences via social media. Thousands of EU projects open their doors mainly in May, a project hunt is organised from 2 May to 14 June, and a photo contest and a blogging contest run from 2 May to 28 August.

31/3/2017 – B2B @ EUSAIR Forum 2017

The 2nd Forum of the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR), jointly organised by the European Commission and the Hellenic Republic with the support of the EUSAIR Facility Point (strategic project financed under INTERREG V-B Adriatic-Ionian Cooperation Programme 2014-2020) will take place in Ioannina (Greece), 11-12 May 2017.

28/03/2017 – Approval through the 16th Written Procedure of the Monitoring Committee of EPAnEK to approve, by means of the 16th Written Procedure, the 2nd Amendment of the Program and Specifications, Methodology and Criteria for the Evaluation and Selection of Actions of the Investment Priorities 6c and 4c

28/03/2017 – Approval through the 16th Written Procedure of the Monitoring Committee of EPAnEK to approve, by means of the 16th Written Procedure, the 2nd Amendment of the Program and Specifications, Methodology and Criteria for the Evaluation and Selection of...

18/01/2017 – Approval through the 14th Written Procedure of the Specialization Bulletin of Action 02-8v-2.2-04 and entitled “Counseling Support and Guidance (mentoring) of Healthcare High-Level Professional Groups”, within the framework of the 8v Investment Priority Action Plan of the European Union for Research and Development 2014-2020

18/01/2017 – Approval through the 14th Written Procedure of the Specialization Bulletin of Action 02-8v-2.2-04 and entitled “Counseling Support and Guidance (mentoring) of Healthcare High-Level Professional Groups”, within the framework of the 8v...

22/12/2016 – Approval through the 12th Written Procedure of the Specialization Bulletin of Action 02-8v-2.2-03 and “Upgrading the skills of highly qualified professional groups in the health sector” as well as the Analytical Methodology and Criteria for the Evaluation of Operations of the above Action

22/12/2016 – Approval through the 12th Written Procedure of the Specialization Bulletin of Action 02-8v-2.2-03 and “Upgrading the skills of highly qualified professional groups in the health sector” as well as the Analytical Methodology and Criteria...

02/08/2016 – Approval through the 7th Written Procedure of the Specifications and Methodology and Criteria for Evaluation and Selection of Actions within the Investment Priorities 1b, 3a, 3c, 8iii, 2a, 2b and 6c of EPAnEK

Actions under Investment Priority 1b (Axes 01 / 01C)

1. Modification of the Specialization Bulletin under code 01-1b-1.1-03 and entitled “European RTD Cooperation – Grant Act of Greek entities successfully participating in joint calls for proposals from the ERANETs European Networks” regarding the description of the action, the increase of the budget from 4 million euro to 16 million euro, adding the estimated private contribution, updating the expected output indicators under the action, and updating the timing of the action.

09/06/2016 – Approval through the 5th Written Procedure of the Specialization Bulletins & Criteria for Evaluation & Selection of Operations under Investment Priorities 6c and 8v of the ERDF / ERDF

Axes 03 / 03S: Investment Priority 6c (ERDF)
Modification of the Specialization Bulletin of the Action “Assistance in the improvement of public infrastructure contributing to the utilization of the country’s natural and cultural stock and the development of tourism” (code 03-6c-3.5-01)

2/3/2015 – Call for the submission of research proposals within the framework of the European networking project COFASP-ERANET “Call for applicants for transnational research in the thematic areas Aquaculture, Fishery and Seafood Processing”

The objective of the project is cooperation between agencies of EU member states for the development of sustainable exploitation of fishery resources, organisation of fishery & aquaculture research, as well as research related to the processing of fishery products.

23/1/2015 – Call for research proposals under the European ERA-NET network project for action TRANSCAN-2: JOINT TRANSNATIONAL CALL FOR PROPOSALS (2015) FOR “European Research Projects on Aligning national / regional translational cancer research

Under TRANSCAN-2 was announced, the January 15, 2015, Joint Call entitled: Translational research on human tumour heterogeneity to understand and overcome recurrence and resistance to therapy “. It will be co-funded research projects between the States which will participate in the tender, Austria, Belgium, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Taiwan, Turkey.

30/12/2014 – Call for research proposals under the European project ERA-NET Networking for Action E-Rare-3: JOINT TRANSNATIONAL CALL FOR PROPOSALS (2015) FOR “European Research Projects on Rare Diseases”

Under the E-Rare-3 for further research efforts in the field of rare diseases and implementation of its objectives “International Rare Disease Research Consortium (IRDiRC)” announced, on December 20, 2014, Joint Call for co-financing research projects between the States participating in the tender, Austria, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Switzerland, Holland, Turkey.

22/12/2014 – Approval of the NSRF 2014-2020 Operational Programmes

The European Commission has given the green light to Programmes with a total budget of 19 billion euro, expected to change the map of Greece and support the country’s recovery and growth which are already under way. This is a major success for the Greek government, as the EC approved all the programmes submitted by the Greek authorities.

17/12/2014 – Call for the submission of research proposals within the framework of the European networking project EURONANOMED II JOINT TRANSNATIONAL CALL FOR PROPOSALS (2015) FOR “European Innovative Research & Technological Development Projects in Nanomedicine”

Call for the submission of research proposals within the framework of the European networking project EURONANOMED II JOINT TRANSNATIONAL CALL FOR PROPOSALS (2015) FOR “European Innovative Research & Technological Development Projects in Nanomedicine”.

Within the framework of EURONANOMED II, a Joint Call was announced on 26 November 2014 for the co-funding of research projects between participating states: France, Greece, Iceland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Belgium / Flanders, Belgium / Wallonia, Belgium / Brussels-Wallonia Federation.