Quality Modernization
The Action aims to competitiveness improvement of middle–sized enterprises, by investing on production upgrading and also in adapting standardization and procedure qualifications.
Action’s Budget: 150 mil €
The action is co-financed by Greece and the European Union – European Regional Development Fund
Beneficiaries: Operating middle – sized enterprises which have been operating operate for more than three years by the date of the application submission and they do own at least one eligible by the Program activity code number (ΚΑΔ)
Financing scheme
Plans with budget from 50.000 € up to 400.000 €
The co-financing rate is 50%.
Investment sectors
- Agri – Food Food industry
- Energy sector
- Logistics
- Creative and cultural industry
- Environmental Sector
- Tourism
- Information and communication technologies ICT
- Health and pharmaceutical industry
- Materials – Construction
Subsidized expenditures
- Machinery – Equipment (up to 100% of the total budget)
- Quality system, Standardization, Certifications etc (up to 100% of the total budget)
- Means of transportation.
- Planning development and implementation
- Wage cost for new personnel
Online submission
Starting date for submissions is 27.06.2018 at 12.00 pm
Potential beneficiaries are required to submit an electronic application for funding to the State Aid Information System (www.ependyseis.gr/mis). The application will be evaluated in chronological order according to the date of submission. The Call will remain active for participation till budget exhaustion or up to 18 months after the publication date.
Potential beneficiaries will submit simultaneously their application and their Electronic Application Folder
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